When it comes to friendships while living abroad, making new friends abroad gets aaalll the spotlight. It definitely deserves some TLC, but I think we’ve given it so much attention that we’ve forgotten about how painful it can be to move abroad… And to not have a new group of friends yet and also lose […]
Homesickness when you’re living far from home is completely normal. But you don’t have to let it control your experience abroad. This is a truth that I wish I would’ve known during my first year abroad. I spent so much time feeling homesick, but trying to shove it down and distract myself with social plans. […]
To be fully transparent, the phrase living your best life used to make me cringe. I used to stick my nose up at people who talked about living their best, fullest life. About doing the things that scared them. About taking up space, living bravely and boldly. This should’ve been a big ole red flag […]
The million dollar question: “Is living abroad worth it”?… I moved abroad in 2016 with a few suitcases & a few thousand dollars in my bank account, a one-way ticket to Santiago, Chile and never looked back. From the outside looking in, it looked pretty freakin amazing. I live in an other-wordly beautiful place, surrounded […]